Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Max Meets a Bully

It seems appropriate that I am writing about this subject today, because (thanks to Facebook) I realized that today marks one year since I started my journey creating Max Meets a Bully. On June 20, 2016 I met with our family friend, Dennis Vanasse, who helped me start this project.
(I included a picture below from that day!) 
Writing my first children's book was a dream come true. I learned so much about the process, from creating the manuscript, to working with an illustrator, navigating layout design and marketing. Most importantly, however, I learned the value of community. 

I have been fortunate enough to grow up around incredibly supportive network of people who are unfailingly kind, generous, and encouraging. Needless to say the second word got out that my book was available for sale on Amazon, I found that I was getting multiple shares on Facebook and congratulatory text messages from people saying they had purchased my book. I was overwhelmed with the immediate support I got, especially when, to be perfectly honest, I was nervous about putting my work out into the world for the first time, especially in such a public setting. 

Soon after the book's release, I was lucky enough to be invited to participate in the Connecticut Family Festival in New London, where, in addition to reading my book, I spoke to a group of kids and their families about the necessity of being kind to others. I was able to sell and sign books as well. 

(Illustrator Paul Santiago and I at the Connecticut Family festival on June 3, 2017)

Then came my first book signing at Filomena's, only a day after the Connecticut Family Festival experience. Friends, family and even people I had never met before came to support me at this event and showed such genuine excitement for the book. The most rewarding part of the book signing for me was seeing a few of my former English teachers that have inspired me throughout my life. It was a humbling reminder of how I grew to love words and stories which ultimately led to this book's inception. 

About a week later I was fortunate enough to do another book signing at Muddy Waters Cafe in New London. It was a special experience being able to promote my book at two important places in my community. 

Though my book has been available for over two months now, the support has not stopped. I still receive texts, Facebook messages and photos of people buying my book and even sharing it with others. A mom of one of my students I teach regularly at Broadway Kids & Company summer camp brought the book into her classroom and had a discussion about bullying with them. This was my goal for the book from the very beginning: to make kids aware of this problem at a young age. 

(Pictured below is my student reading the book in her mom's class! So cool!) 

This was an amazing start to what I hope will be a solid career for me in publishing and maybe even writing as well. Regardless, it showed me that you can not only accomplish anything with the support of good people, but you can be proud of those accomplishments. I am so thankful for my support system back home in Waterford and New London, CT and the people who are always rooting for me to succeed in all that I aspire to do.

For anyone who would like to buy a copy of Max Meets a Bully I have included the link below! You can also purchase it at Filomena's :)   


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