Sunday, June 11, 2017

Welcome to the Columbia Publishing Course!

Hi everyone! I have decided to pick up my long lost blog and do my best to write about my experiences at the 6 week Columbia Publishing Course! I appreciate all of the support from back home and am so grateful for everyone who has pushed me to pursue and take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity. For those of you who have maybe seen some posts but still aren't exactly sure what I am doing, here is the run down: For 6 weeks I will be living at Columbia University in New York City and attending an intensive course on all aspects of book, magazine and digital publishing. The course includes seminars on everything from resumes and cover letters, to in depth discussions on all areas of the publishing industry. Although my schedule is tightly packed I am going to do my best to keep up to date with this blog, not only to inform all of you who may be curious as to what I am up to all summer but to keep working on my writing and document my experiences :) 

The first day was overwhelmingly exciting. My (amazing) mom helped me move into my room in Hogan Hall, the traditional senior housing at Columbia, and it is absolutely beautiful. I share the suite with four other girls (we all have our own rooms) and we have a big common area that includes a kitchen and living room. Our first activity of the course was an Orientation and Alumni Panel where we met the director of the course and some students who have graduated from it and have gone on to be very successful in the industry. I am already so impressed with the leaders of this program and I have no doubt I will learn so much. After Orientation we had a BBQ and I got a chance to talk to some pretty awesome people. The best part about this course is that I'm meeting people from all over the country who have both the same and different interests than myself. There are about 100 of us. It's like starting college all over again and I am so excited to meet so many new people over the next few weeks! 

Post-BBQ, my first night at Columbia consisted of watching the Tony's with one of my housemates. For those of you who know me well you know I would not miss that for anything. 
   P.S. I was very pleased with the awards :) 

It is a wonderful feeling to take a leap of faith into something you are so passionate about
 I already feel so motivated and excited and it hasn't even been a full day. Shout out to my parents for sending me here and once again providing me with the best opportunities life has to offer! I hope you all keep reading because I will certainly keep writing!

Tomorrow is a packed day but I could not be more excited to attend my first three lectures!!! 
Good night! <3


  1. So excited for you!! I love the updates! Be well and keep on reaching for the stars! ❤️ Ps, big love to your mom and dad for making the sacrifices that lead to your success today! I know they are very proud of you! Much love to you on your new journey! I have a feeling you are going to be famous- I swear!! ❤️❤️��

    1. Thank you so much! You're right, couldn't do it without them! :)
