Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Books that Built Me

In honor of an incredible lecture today given by the Vice President/Publishing Director of a Middle Grade and YA (Young Adult) literature imprint, I am dedicating this blog post to talking about the books that inspired me as a young reader. This will be a shorter post but hopefully one that will make you think of the books that made you a lifelong reader too!

The lecture today, entitled "Where it all Begins" really focused on the importance of providing high quality, entertaining, meaningful literature young audiences. It was emphasized that the sale of children's books is one of, if not the most important parts of the publishing industry. The reasoning for this is if children get hooked on reading early, they are more likely to become lifelong readers and continue buying books, therefore keeping publishing companies in business. Makes a lot of sense.

Today I was struck with a feeling of inspiration and direction. I am approaching this course with an open mind and am trying to learn everything I can about every role in the business. It is safe to say that after today's lecture on YA literature I can truly see myself working in that area of publishing and enjoying it. Maybe this comes from my recent studies in education, but I think it is moreso the nostalgia I feel when I look back on all of the times I was called out for reading books at family parties, or basketball games, school recess, or pretty much anywhere else where it wasn't normal to have a book in hand...

Or the time I read Number the Stars in one night with a flashlight under my covers.
Or the "book shopping sprees" I would go on at WaldenBooks and Borders and spend hours browsing the shelves and come out looking like I had just won the lottery.

Or maybe it is the gratitude I feel that I had family who bought me those books without question, or teachers who encouraged this unusual passion of mine throughout my young life. Regardless, I feel like I owe it to kids who are like I was back then, and be a part of publishing great literature for them.

Just for fun I included some photos of my favorite/most influential books as a child & young adult :)

"The first great experience, the one that seems to embody all the world's secrets, the moment to which our imagination is ceaselessly returning."-Francois Truffaut 


  1. Great timing, Mena: libraries in all towns offer Summer Reading/Learning programs--a great way to discover new books and old favorites! Thanks for sharing your favorites!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great article, Mena! I couldn't agree more. I think you are on an incredible career path! I look forward to reading more of your blogs! Keep the love of reading and publishing alive! ❤️
