Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Welcome Back!

It feels so good to finally be blogging again! The past week and a half has both flown by and dragged on. It was filled with travel, hard work, challenge and a little bit of fun, of course...but it's nice to be back at Columbia ready to take on my final two and a half weeks of the course!

Last week we completed the highly anticipated "Book Workshop Week" where we were put into groups of about ten people and given the challenge to create our own publishing company. We were responsible for every detail, from coming up with the company's name and mission to creating six original, nonfiction book ideas and developing them completely. The process was SO complex. A big part of it was that in our assigned groups each person had to take on a "position" in the "company". I was fortunate enough to be the Publicity Manager, which is something I am really interested in and enjoy doing but also something I knew would challenge me a lot. I was right.

Once my group came up with our six original, nonfiction book ideas (that were continuously scrapped, edited, re-edited and inundated with constructive criticism) I was responsible for formulating publicity & marketing plans, writing press releases and pitch letters and creating three media kits.

  *Media kits are basically folders of extra promotional materials that could be sent out in addition to a press release and pitch letter*

This job ended up being super fun because I was able to use creative writing skills but also think in the business mindset of what television shows, newspapers, magazines, etc. to pitch our books to! Probably the coolest part of the entire book workshop process was getting to work with publishing professionals. We got to have one-on-one meetings with them, work in small groups, and ask advice about anything and everything throughout the week. Tomorrow we are being evaluated by publishing professionals that did not see our work during the process so that should be a really fun and constructive process as well. I really like how everything here is treated with such professionalism with the sole intent on preparing us for potential careers in publishing. It is truly amazing and invaluable.

The downside to "Book Workshop Week" was that most days lasted about 14 hours, with breaks basically only to eat meals or get (much needed) coffee. The bad news is I didn't sleep much last week or have time to blog. The good news is I had an amazing experience, learned so much, AND discovered a new coffee beverage that I love. It has so much caffeine in it I'm actually ashamed of myself, but it did the trick.

This week we are moving on to learn about magazine and digital publishing, and will be doing a similar workshop week but this time geared towards that type of content. Today we heard from the starter of an online magazine, the Editor-in-Chief of Bon Appetit and had small group sessions with various editors in the magazine publishing field. It was an awesome first day back and I love how we are completely shifting gears to learn about an entirely new side of the industry.

On a more serious note, last week my family unfortunately experienced the unexpected passing of "Noni Och", my great-grandmother. I think it's important to write about that in this post because I am so happy and proud that just about three weeks ago my Noni got to come to my book signing and purchase a copy for herself. 

This will always be such a special picture to because my Noni was so excited and supportive. I'm so happy she got to read my book and be part of this important event in my life. 


After a much needed, fun 4th of July long weekend spent with family and friends I am ready to take on these next two and a half weeks at the Columbia Publishing Course. I can't believe how fast time is going but I plan on embracing every minute of it!  


  1. Sounds like a great experience. Enjoy!

  2. I want to know what the new coffee drink is

    1. It's called a "Red Eye". Half coffee and about 2-3 shots of espresso. Dangerous. Especially if you're me and got a large every day!
