Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Last Day at the Columbia Publishing Course

It's hard to believe that today was my last official day as a Columbia Publishing Course student. It has been the most incredible 6 and a half weeks and it is finally coming to a close.

The past few days of "wrap up" activities have been a lot of fun and very busy.

If it wasn't already packed in one of 17 million suitcases I have, I would add a photo of it, but I received my official graduation certificate of the program last week! We had a short graduation ceremony followed by a beautiful and delicious dinner banquet.

(Above: Some of my friends and group members from Book Workshop week!)

Tonight we were invited to the home of Christopher Cerf, a major musical contributor to Sesame Street and a creator of Between the Lions (for anyone who knew me as a kid you would know that I was obsessed with this show and it really helped me learn how to read when I was little.)


His late father, Bennett Cerf, also started the Random House publishing company. The party was one last hurrah for all of us to see each other one last time, talk to some alumni who were also invited, and have the incredible experience of seeing Mr. Cerf's beautiful home on the Upper East Side, which just happened to be filled with shelves and shelves of books and several Emmy awards. (Once again I felt myself pretending to be much fancier than I actually am).
There are no words to describe how grateful I am for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. I have learned so much, not only about publishing but about myself and what I am capable of. I have been challenged and stretched beyond what I thought my limits were both as a writer and a person. I met so many wonderful people from all over the world who will remain my friends and future co-workers for years to come. I heard from the best and the brightest in the publishing industry and was inspired every day by their stories. I got to experience city life for the first time on my own and realized that I LOVE it. I am so glad that I put all of my initial nervousness aside and took the leap to attend this course. It is undoubtedly one of my best decisions, and I know already it was a defining period of my life for more reasons than I can count.

   To my mom and dad who supported me every step of the way financially and otherwise...
   My amazing friends and family at home who encouraged me to apply, attend, and continuously told me I was meant to be here...

   All of my new CPC friends who made this experience fun, even in times of stress and challenge   *cough* book and magazine workshop *cough*...

And everyone who took the time to read this blog and follow my journey at Columbia! I had so much fun and am so happy I have a "diary" of my time here :)

On to the next adventure!